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How to select a good latex mattress topper

If you are looking to buy a Latex Mattress Topperwe understand that it can get quite overwhelming. After all, there is a wide variety available in the market. Here we have given some suggestions which might help you with your decision –

Thick Latex Mattress Toppers

If you choose a very thin Latex Mattress Topperit will rest too low. The result would be that your hips and shoulders would be almost resting on the mattress and not on the soft latex topper. Latex can only be comfortable if it is thick enough for you and it doesn’t get constricted by the bedding beneath.

Shifting of the Latex Mattress Topper

When a Latex Mattress Topper is made up of several layers; these layers grip to each other because of the natural surface of the latex. This way they do not slip. But when these toppers are laid on top of a finished mattress it is possible that the topper might shift a little as you regularly use it. So what you will need to do is readjust the topper on a regular basis. Instead, you could also use tight fitted sheets or mattress covers to reduce that movement.

Firm Latex Mattress Topper

As we already mentioned the Latex Topper has to not be too thin but at the same time you need to make sure that it is not too firm. Else it will not allow the natural contour that your body needs. Your shoulders and hips need to sink in a little and the middle and lower back needs to be supported well.

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